Equal Column Heights with Divs using CSS or jQuery

I am not a huge fan of using tables, in fact, most front end projects I do I usually use divs just because I think they’re nicer to look at than tables. So recently I needed to display some data in a table format which means I needed a way to make all the columns in each row the same height. There are a few different ways to do it without using tables.
One of the ways that I don’t like is faux columns. Basically this is just using a repeating background image to give the illusion of equal height columns.

Another way that is rather nice is using jQuery. All you need to do is include jQuery and a plugin called ‘equal heights’. Then include the following code. The “row1” is the class name that you’ll give each of the columns in row one.


The html of it would look something like this.

 <div class='row1'>
   lLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <br/> Ut aliquet
 nulla eu felis. Donec porta <br/>
    aliquam ipsum. In ac nibh. Nunc dictum. Curabitur rhoncus facilisis nunc.
  <div class='row1'>
   lLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <br/> Ut aliquet
   nulla eu felis. In ac nibh. Nunc dictum. Curabitur rhoncus facilisis nunc.
  <div class='row1'>
  	This is some text.

And that is it besides styling each div however you want.

A lot of people might not want to include the javascript or just rather not use javascript to change the height of a div. So another way equal columns can be done is by setting a very high padding for each div and then setting the margin to be negative that. You need to wrap a div around it setting the overflow to hidden. Plus if you want borders around each row you won’t be able to set the border-bottom any more so you can simply set the border-top for each one and then add a border-bottom to the wrapper div.

<div id='row_wrapper' style='float:left; overflow:hidden;
                 border-bottom:1px solid black;'>
    <div id='column_1' class='other'>  lLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
       <br/> lLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    <div id='column_2' class='other'>  lLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
       consectetur adipiscing elit.<br/>lLorem ipsum dolor
    <div id='column_3' class='other'> lLorem ipsum dolor </div>
    <div id='column_4' class='other' style='border-right:1px solid black;'>
     lLorem ipsum dolor
    <div style='clear:both;'></div>
    <div style='clear:both;'></div>

View the example of using both jQuery and just CSS here

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